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This is a subscription feature

Available soon

Ah sorry about that!

This is a subscription feature.

Available soon

Ah sorry about that!

This is a subscription feature

Upgrade Now

Welcome back!
Here is what you do!

1. Picture

  • Get your head around a section by watching through the animation.
  • Mark videos as DONE to keep track of what you’ve covered.
  • Add videos to your TO DO list to plan ahead.
  • Track your progress in different topics in the Dashboard - see how close you are to H1? Hurray!

2. Verify

  • Take the tests to be sure you get it - all of them if necessary! There’s plenty there!
  • When you’ve finished a topic and your tests are good, take the Topic Quiz. It’s the most challenging one and your last result will be recorded in your dashboard. No more forgetting about a weak topic then!
  • Feeling good? Make friends with the Past Paper Qs - they don’t bite, usually!

3. Recall

  • Use the Revision Notes for quick & frequent revision. It will take less time each time and time matters right!?
  • The illustrations will help you remember what you’ve learnt making sure you don’t have to learn it all over. Smart! Right?